Podcast Abandonment Rates [CHART]

Podcast Abandonment Rates [CHART]

Almost one in five internet users surveyed said they have listened to podcasts in the past six months. Of those 21% of respondents who have listened to podcasts recently, one-third said they listen to them more than once a week.

Additionally, 22% of internet users said they listen to podcasts once a week, and 30% said they listen to them one to three times a month.

Separate research from Bridge Ratings looked at the abandonment rates of podcasts among US listeners. A quarter of US podcast listeners abandoned podcasts that ran 45 to 60 minutes, though a lower 15% of respondents abandoned podcasts longer than 1 hour.

Shorter podcasts had significantly lower abandonment rates. For example, just 5% of listeners abandoned podcasts that were less than 5 minutes long. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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