Average Total Shares Of Facebook Videos [CHART]

Average Total Shares Of Facebook Videos, 2015-2016 [CHART]

BuzzSumo looked at the Facebook share data and trends over the last year to establish a baseline to review future numbers and trends following the upcoming changes. They reviewed 25 million Facebook posts published by the top 10,000 publishers over the last year.

The one format that is driving significantly higher shares on Facebook is videos. The chart below shows very significant growth in the average shares per video post. Average shares have more than doubled since last August. This may be due to Facebook’s focus on video, the auto-playing of videos and similar factors but whatever the reason the data is quite clear. Read the rest at BuzzSumo.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
