Brand Adoption Of Snapchat vs Instagram By Industry [TABLE]

Brand Adoption Of Snapchat vs Instagram By Industry [TABLE]Instagram adoption, among brands examined by L2 Think Tank, is nearly ubiquitous across industries. Snapchat, on the other hand, is a different story. Brands are more hesitant to adopt the social messaging app.

During Q4 2015, L2 Think Tank analyzed more than 1 million social posts and nearly 2 billion interactions from 879 brands worldwide. Snapchat analysis was conducted during Q1 2016.

When it comes to Instagram adoption, almost every industry sector, with the exception of beverages and consumer electronics, is almost full penetrated. For example, 100% of auto brands examined by L2 Think Tank have adopted Instagram, and other industries such as fashion, beauty, watches and jewelry and travel, are almost fully saturated. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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