US Mobile Display Ad Spending, 2013-2018 [CHART]

US Mobile Display Ad Spending, 2013-2018 [CHART]

On the whole, cost-per-thousand (CPM) averages in 2014 were on par or above 2013 rates, despite the dramatic rise in impressions that occurred over the same time period. In an environment where supply outweighs demand, steady or higher CPM averages are an indication advertisers are finding greater value in mobile advertising.

More big brands—and their ad budgets—moved into mobile advertising: A wider array of advertisers, including big brand advertisers, invested in mobile display advertising in 2014. In addition, those that had previously invested in mobile display at experimental levels invested more heavily this year. eMarketer expects the total amount spent on mobile display advertising in the US will increase 81.7% in 2014 to $9.65 billion. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
