Primary Online Attribution Models Used By Marketers, July 2014 [CHART]

Primary Online Attribution Models Used By Marketers, July 2014 [CHART]

Retargeting tools have helped marketers with data-driven personalization—something that’s only going to get bigger in 2015. However, simply pouring more and more money into the space isn’t enough: Advanced attribution is necessary. Marketers are aware of this, based on July 2014 polling by Qualtrics for AdRoll, where 91% of those polled said attribution was important.

Marketers were most likely to use attribution to understand their customers, cited by nearly 70%. Due to increased pressure to validate how—or why—they spend their money, 58% turned to attribution to understand where to apply marketing spend. Similarly, 44% did so to justify their marketing budgets, and four in 10 to optimize campaign performance.

There’s a problem, though. Respondents were still using simple attribution models—not too helpful for tracking today’s multidevice, multiplatform consumers. Nearly 60% of marketers turned to single-touch attribution, compared with 34% who used multitouch. Just 5% were using even more sophisticated algorithms or custom models. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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