Interesting posts from Minnesota communications bloggers for the week ending 1/10/10. Culled from the Minnesota Social Media Bloggers FriendFeed room.
- Rohn Jay Miller predicts that internal/external communication integration will be the thing in 2010
- Julio Ojeda-Zapata posts a cartoon retrospective of social media in 2009 and reports on the Nexus One and tells how to find journalists on Twitter, discusses the Minnesota action at CES,
- Lee Aase gives some advice on the personal/professional online identity issue then how to set your Facebook vanity URL
- Lee Odden lists 10 benefits of Twitter polls
- Amy King examines automatic feedback copy
- Bob Stanke launches his webcast then reviews Tweepi and explores the half-life of social media outposts
- David Brauer posts a great piece on and provides Jeff Jarvis’ take on the Strib’s new publisher
- Phil Wilson looks at traditional media and traditional advertising and how the broke
- Doug Hamlin posts some reasons 2010 will be an exciting year for social media
- Judy Grundstrom writes about the Cheddar Explosion
- Nancy Lyons invokes the Golden Rule for social media participation, then she and Meghan Wilker talk social media & personal safety in their podcast [MP3]
- LOL OMG has the low-down on Robyne Robinson’s Wikipedia entry
- Ben Hedrington says HTML5 is the future of the Web
- Jon Gordon reports that children have a tough time finding stuff online [MP3] and later on the battle for the mobile market [MP3]
- Rick Mahn lists everywhere he shares
- Albert Maruggi shares some social media tactics for health care
- Kobi reviews the 2009 British Television Advertising Awards show at the Walker Art Center
- Ken Kadet talks about Amazon working backward from the customer
- Jason DeRusha reported live from his iPhone (I was actually watching this, it was pretty cool even though nothing happened)
- Clinton Forry asks if URL shorteners are part of your social media and content strategy
- Arik Hanson lists his 7 most intriguing people in PR in 2010
- I posted a video of Millennials talking about their aversion to advertising, and another of Barry Swartz talking about the paradox of choice, Â some hands-on vids of the Google Nexus, and another about the future of digital agencies to go along with my post about the future of advertising agencies, and, finally, I wrote about a retailer who hijacked the Bud Light paintball airstrike commercial
Posted in Public Relations, Social Media Marketing
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