Products Purchased By Mobile Hispanic Buyers, August 2014 [CHART]

Products Purchased By Mobile Hispanic Buyers, August 2014 [CHART]

Nearly half of US internet users—48%—have never used their mobile device to make a purchase, according to a September 2014 survey by cloud commerce provider Avangate. And for 40% of those who have yet to adopt mobile commerce, the barrier lies in safety concerns.

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An in-depth look into the 52% who are comfortable making mobile purchases shows that US Hispanic consumers are likelier than their non-Hispanic counterparts to buy via smartphone or tablet. August 2014 data from ThinkNow Research and Zpryme Research & Consulting found that approximately half of US Hispanic mobile buyers had purchased clothes, electronics, music or movie tickets within the past month. Non-Hispanic mobile buyers were significantly less likely to have made any of these purchases within the last 30 days. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
