Senior Ad Execs Who Believe The Industry Has Defined Programmatic Buying, April 2014 [CHART]

Senior Ad Execs Who Believe The Industry Has Defined Programmatic Buying, April 2014 [CHART]

Trust in programmatic buying has a long way to go, based on April 2014 polling by STRATA. According to the study, just 12% of US senior ad agency executives said they trusted programmatic buying to properly or accurately execute their ad orders. Though only 5% said they didn’t trust the tactic, 58% remained undecided, and one-quarter of respondents weren’t using programmatic buying at all.

One reason for senior ad execs’ skepticism when it comes to programmatic buying may be due to the lack of a standard definition of the tactic—which could then limit knowledge and execution. More than 60% of respondents did not feel that the ad industry had an accurate and unified definition of programmatic buying, and an additional 31% were unsure. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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