Smart Phone Share Of American Mobile Subscribers, October 2011 – January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Smart Phone Share Of American Mobile Subscribers

Smartphone penetration continues to grow with every passing month, and the latest tally from comScore indicates that during the 3-month average ending in January 2014, some 66.8% of mobile subscribers in the US owned a smartphone. That translates to almost 160 million Americans, and is up from 55% market penetration during the year-earlier period. Given that comScore reports these figures in 3-month averages, the actual figure for January of this year is likely even higher.

Compared to comScore’s previous 3-month rolling average (which ended in December 2013), the top smartphone platforms remained mostly constant, trading 0.2% points – with Android’s market share inching up to 51.7% and Apple’s dipping to 41.6%.

Compared to the year-earlier period, though, Android’s share has slipped a little, while Apple has gained. Last year, Android’s share at this point was 52.3%, while Apple’s was 37.8%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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