Mobile Ads & CPG Purchase Decisions, November 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Ads & CPG Purchase Decisions

Almost half of mobile users say they’ve tried a new CPG product or brand as the result of having seen a mobile ad, finds JiWire in its latest quarterly “Mobile Audience Insights Report” [PDF]. The survey of more than 1,400 mobile users also reveals that about 2 in 3 would be likely to add a relevant new CPG product to their shopping list were they to see a mobile ad for it. Separate data indicates that mobile audiences targeted with drive-to-location ad campaigns had 11 times more store visits than those not exposed to the campaigns.

Ads aside, men and women appear to be influenced by different types of information when considering which products to add to their lists. For both genders, sales, coupons and special offers rank as the top information type that would lead them to add a product to their shopping list, cited by 62% of women and 48% of men. While recipes for a food item are next among women (54%), they influence only 37% of men, on par with proximity to the product retailer (36%). Product reviews also influence men (29%) more than women (21%), as do videos featuring the product (13% and 9%, respectively). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
