Global Facebook User Growth By Country, 2012-2017 [TABLE]

Table - Global Facebook User Growth By Country

The fastest growth in social network usage is happening in less-developed markets, however. India, with the highest growth this year, will increase user numbers by 37.4%, while Indonesia’s numbers will climb 28.7% and Mexico will grow its social network user base by 21.1%.

All three of those countries are also high-growth areas for Facebook, the world’s largest social network, which eMarketer estimates will reach a worldwide monthly user base of 1.026 billion this year. The US remains the single country with the greatest number of Facebook users, at 146.8 million this year, and India comes in a distant second. But with India’s large population and high expected growth rate, eMarketer believes it will develop the largest Facebook population of any country in the world by 2016. (Since Facebook is banned in China, eMarketer assumes there are no users of the social network in the country.) Read the rest at eMarketer.

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