FORECAST: Google Glass Sales, 2014-2018 [CHART]

Chart - Google Glass Sales

Google is aiming for an early to mid-2014 debut of Google Glass to the general public, and has already released a Glass Development Kit to app developers. Despite the clunkiness and awkwardness of the early beta version of Glass, computerized glasses will establish themselves in certain professional niches and gradually become a mainstream product. Early adopters will use them for medical training, scientific exploration, and photography. They in turn will popularize Glass and other smart eyewear among wider populations still unsure about the appeal.

BI Intelligence expects unit sales of Glass to climb sharply in the years after its official launch, to 21 million units in annual sales by year-end 2018. At $500 per unit, this equates to a $10.5 billion annual market opportunity. Read the rest at Business Insider.

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