Most Important Multi-Screen Video Ad Metrics, June 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Most Important Multi-Screen Video Ad Metrics

Measuring and evaluating campaign effectiveness is the top challenge when running multi-screen video advertising campaigns, according to recently-released results from a Mixpo survey. The survey – of more than 300 industry professionals across agencies, media companies, and ad tech entities – indicated that perceptions regarding which metric is most important vary. While completion rate (with a rating average of 2.56, where 1 is most important) shows up as the most important metric, brand uplift (2.69) is close behind in value. View rate (3.14), click-through rate (3.18) and time spent viewing (3.43) also received some first place votes.

A study released last year by Vindico argued that completion rates are a better indicator of online video ad success than click-through rates.

The lack of common agreement on metrics is one indicator of the problems in evaluating the effectiveness of multi-screen video advertising, which 71% of agencies and 59% of media companies say is a core challenge. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
