Consumers & Cross-Channel Retail, April 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Consumers & Cross-Channel Retail

49% of US consumers believe the best thing that retailers can do to improve the shopping experience is to better integrate in-store, online and mobile shopping channels, details a survey conducted by Accenture. That notion is shared by 48% of consumers in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden and Brazil, and 38% in China and Japan. The results point to a desire for an increasingly seamless cross-channel experience, where personalized experiences are provided across every engagement channel.

For example, 53% of consumers want to receive unique pricing, automatic discounts, free returns, or pre-sales based on their loyalty/purchase history – across all channels. Similarly, 53% want to be able to earn and use their loyalty rewards in-store, online or on a mobile device. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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