Social Video Advertising Shares By Industry, Q1 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Social Video Advertising Shares By Industry

Unruly has released its first in a series of quarterly reports examining trends in social video advertising. The report, which looks at video ad shares across verticals and brands in Q1, highlights an encouraging performance by FMCG brands, and a relatively lackluster showing from auto manufacturers. All told, FMCG ad campaigns generated almost 8.7 million shares during the quarter, up 78.2% from Q4 2012, and representing 25.3% of all shares. The vertical was propped up by Budweiser’s “Brotherhood” Super Bowl ad, which became the second most-shared Super Bowl ad ever, with 2.4 million shares.

The ad was recently cited as one of the top 10 most effective TV ads of the quarter, by Ace Metrix.

While Budweiser appears to have scored a hit with its ad, auto manufacturers did not fare quite as well with their campaigns. While the number of shares generated by auto manufacturers grew by 378% quarter-over-quarters, such growth is to be expected given their investments in the Super Bowl. The vertical’s leading brand, Ram (with its “Farmer” spot) could manage only one-third as many shares as Budweiser’s 2.4 million. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
