TV Viewership By Daypart, April 2013 [TABLE]

Table - TV Viewership By Daypart

Primetime (8 PM-11 PM) might be the right time for reaching TV viewers, but it’s not the only time, per new data from Nielsen. Nielsen’s figures reveal that traditional TV viewers watch close to 2 hours of TV per day during primetime hours, but they spend more than 1-and-a-half hours watching during the daytime hours of 11AM-3PM, too.

TV consumption is lower in the morning (6 AM-10 AM) and late night (11 PM-2 AM) hours, but still averages more than 1 hour (64 and 65 minutes, respectively) among viewers. Interestingly, though, while primetime consumption is fairly steady when sorting by income and education, the same can’t be said for the other select dayparts that make up Nielsen’s analysis. Indeed, there is a noticeable inverse correlation between income levels and TV usage during the day. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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