Three infographics about Pinterest back when it was the new hotness on the social media block:

Some 21% of respondents who have a Pinterest account said they have purchased a product after seeing a picture on the site.
The PriceGrabber survey of 4,851 U.S. online consumers conducted between March 13 and 26. 2012, revealed that respondents who purchased a product based on seeing it strictly on Pinterest were asked to select all items purchased:
- 33% said food and cooking;
- 32%, fashion and clothing;
- 30%, home decorating; and
- 26%, crafts.
Some 37% of Pinterest account holders logged in a few times weekly and most created between two and five Pinboards; 28% said they logged in a few times a month; 15%, once daily; 10%, a few times a year; and another 10%, numerous times a day.
When Pinterest account holders were asked how many Pinboards they have created:
- 29% said between two and five;
- 26%, between six and 10;
- 19%, none;
- 16%, one; and
- 10%, more than 10.
Searching for recipes was the favorite interest. Some 70% of Pinterest account holders cited cooking and recipes as the top item pinned. When respondents with a Pinterest account were asked to select all of the types of items they pin:
- 70% cited cooking inspiration and recipes;
- 65%, home decorating;
- 53%, craft ideas;
- 41%, fashion and shopping ideas;
- 34%, entertaining ideas; and
- 33%, gardening.

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