During March/April 2020, 35% of Americans accessed a free trial or activated a new subscription for a music, news, fitness or online learning service.
New music subscriptions (to services like Spotify or Apple Music) were most common. 1-in-5 tried or subscribed to fitness, news or online learning services.
Do You Plan To Keep Your New Digital Subscription After The Pandemic?

Do these new subscribers plan to stick around as the crisis abates? Music subscribers are the most likely to say that they plan to keep the subscription post-pandemic (72%).
Nearly two-thirds (64%) plan to keep their new fitness service subscription. Over half plan to keep news or online learning services.
Gen Z/Millennials are often the heaviest subscribers – and for fitness and online learning the subscriber base skews under 35.
There is a directional trend towards starting with free trials over subscribing immediately. More affluent households (those making over $100K) are most likely to jump into a new paid subscription. Read the rest at The Harris Poll.
The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.