Connected TV devices continue to account for the largest share of video ad impressions, per the Video Benchmarks report from Extreme Reach covering Q1 2019.
Smartphones, which only a year earlier had accounted for the largest percentage of impressions, are steadily declining in share, cannibalized by connected TV devices.
In Q1 2019, connected TV’s (CTV) share of impressions hit 49%, which is equal to the total share of the other identifiable devices (desktop, mobile and tablet) combined.
This 49% share represents an 58% increase year-over-year from Q1 2018, when CTV accounted for a 31% share of impressions.
Just as CTV’s share of impressions experienced this significant increase, mobile’s share declined by 24% year-over-year from Q1 2018.
Indeed, mobile now only accounts for one-quarter (25% share) of impressions by device, compared to one-third a year earlier. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.
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