Chart: SEO & PPC Rates

Around 1 in 5 US agencies offering either SEO (19.7%) or PPC (21.7%) services have a minimum single project spend of more than $5,000, according to the Digital Marketing Industry Pricing Survey from Credo.

Search remains a critical channel for marketers, especially considering that Google is still the first port of call for shoppers looking online – and for B2B, search is the place buyers turn to first.

However, there may be signs of worry for those advertising on the search giant. Google’s investor release for Q1 2019 showed that the number of paid clicks fell by 9% in the past quarter, while CPC has risen by 5%.

So how much should you be paying for external support to make the most out of Google – and other search engines (Bing has cornered one-third of the market)?

The data from Credo comes from 271 marketing agencies and consultants across a range of digital disciplines, including SEO and PPC. It’s worth noting these figures tend to be from small firms or solo practitioners, with only around 1 in 3 (35.8%) working at a firm with 5 staff or more – and that PPC spend doesn’t necessarily exclude the media costs due to the survey’s design. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
