Email Reading & Dwell Times, 2011-2018

Email Reading Times, 2011 & 2018

The average time spent reading an email increased to 13.4 seconds in 2018.

Email Dwell Times, 2011-2018 [CHART]

Once opened, the majority of emails manage to catch the reader’s attention, with 61% of all emails being read for 8 seconds or more. About a quarter (23.5%) of all emails get skimmed (an engagement of 2-8 seconds), and only 15% of all messages get less than 2 seconds of their readers’ attention.

Chart: Email Dwell Times, 2011-2018

The overall increase in engagement times is largely driven by growing attention spans for email on mobile. Of all emails opened on mobile devices, 66% are read for more than 8 seconds. 23% are open for 2-8 seconds, and only 11% see engagement times of less than 2 seconds. Read the rest in Litmus’ State of Email Engagement Report.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
