Top B2B Influencer Content Types [CHART]

Chart: Top B2B Influencer Content Types

At a time when B2B leaders say that content spurs buying processes, almost all (97%) respondents to a new survey say they are now placing a higher emphasis on the trustworthiness of the source of information when they are consuming content, according to the latest research by Demand Gen Report and ON24.

As such, using trusted influencers in a content campaign can prove fruitful, particularly as a similar percentage (95%) of B2B marketers say they prefer credible content from industry influencers. But what formats work best when running influencer campaigns?

The two most commonly cited examples are case studies and webinars, with 47% and 39% of buyers respectively finding these B2B influencer content types to be valuable.

The results indicate that webinars in particular are an engaging content type: it appears that B2B marketers spend significantly more time on webinars compared to any other format.

For example, about half (49%) of respondents say they spend 10 minutes or less when reviewing case studies, and infographics (87%) and video content (64%) typically capture even less time for engagement.

But by contrast, just 11% of B2B marketers say they spend such a short amount of time with webinars, with half (49%) instead spending 30 minutes or longer reviewing content delivered in this way. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
