What Marketers Think Blockchain Will Solve [CHART]

Chart: What Marketers Think Blockchain Will Solve

Blockchain’s distributed ledger could potentially revolutionize digital advertising. But advertisers are cautious about whether the emerging technology will improve things.

In a May 2018 survey from Advertiser Perceptions, XChng and Kochava of 300 US agency and marketing professionals, only one in seven respondents believed that blockchain was very likely to solve inefficiency and transparency problems in the digital media supply chain. About 40% of respondents said that blockchain was not very likely or not at all likely to solve these problems. Most agency and marketing professionals said that blockchain was only somewhat likely to fix supply chain issues.

In the Gartner hype cycle, blockchain sits just past “peak of inflated expectations” and is on the downward slope toward “trough of disillusionment.” While it could make online advertising more transparent, blockchain doesn’t currently operate quickly enough to work in the fast-paced world of programmatic bidding. Only 11% of those polled by Advertiser Perceptions said that they have used blockchain in their ad buying. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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