Voice Commerce Appeal By Product Categories [CHART]

Chart: Voice Commerce Appeal By Product Category

According to a Digitas survey, conducted in June 2018 by The Harris Poll, US smart speaker buyers are most receptive to buying personal care/wellness products (39%) and beauty supplies (38%) via voice commerce. That’s because when buying consumer packaged goods (CPGs), the consumer tends to be familiar with the product, perhaps asking for it by name.

However, 85% of respondents said that on occasion they’ve gone with their virtual assistant’s top product recommendation rather than the specific brand they set out to buy.

Age played a part in this buying behavior, with millennials (those 18 to 34) being more than twice as likely (37%) than those ages 45 and older (16%) to say they always or often purchase the suggested instead of their intended brand, especially if it’s cheaper. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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