Importance Of Mobile Apps By Generation [CHART]

Chart: Importance Of Mobile Apps By Generation

In an April 2018 survey by ThinkNow Research, 40% of US mobile app users said apps were “very important” in their daily life. Millennials were slightly more likely to feel this way, though not by much.

For the most part, many respondents felt apps were helpful to their daily routine, but they would be able to go without them. In this case, baby boomers were more likely to feel this way (55%) than millennials (39%) and Gen Xers (49%).

This age group uses apps less often than their younger cohorts. According to ThinkNow Research, baby boomers use apps an average of 5.5 times a day. In contrast, Gen Xers use apps an average of 7.7 times a day, while millennials do so more often (10.5). Read the rest at eMarketer.

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