Voice Commerce Users By Age & Platform [TABLE]

Table: voice commerce By Age & Platform

According to a May 2018 survey by RichRelevance, 30% of US internet users have used a voice assistant to look for product information or purchase products—in other words, shop or buy. Google Assistant (13.9%) and Siri (13.1%) had the highest usage for these activities.

Not surprisingly, younger internet users are more likely to shop by voice than the average. The figures for shopping or purchasing via voice rose to 43.3% among ages those ages 18 to 29 and 38.5% for ages 30 to 44.

While these numbers might seem relatively low, they are higher than eMarketer’s estimates for similar activities. We forecast that 10% of US internet users will research a product or add to a shopping cart using a smart speaker in 2018, while 7.2% will make at least one purchase using a voice command. However, our figures are focused on standalone devices, like Google Home, Amazon Echo and Apple HomePod, and exclude smartphones, tablets or desktops/laptops, which accounts for lower usage. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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