Voice Trends Among Smart Speaker Owners [CHART]

Chart: Voice Trends Among Smart Speaker Owners

Roughly one-third of US households own a Smart Speaker, according to a new study from ThinkNow Research. And it seems that the longer they own them, the more likely they are to use them for tasks previously accomplished through typing or swiping, per research from Invoca.

ThinkNow’s research unsurprisingly finds that Smart Speaker ownership is higher among 18-34-year-olds (42%) than 35-64-year-olds (24%). But there are also differences on a racial/ethnic basis, too: Asian-Americans (36%) and African-Americans (35%) are more likely than Whites (29%) to own a smart speaker.

While Hispanics are somewhat in the middle in terms of adoption, they show the highest purchase inclination, with 26% saying they’ll purchase one during the holidays.

Previous comScore research has found much more limited adoption of Smart Speakers, at 8% of connected homes. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.com.

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