Pornhub’s 2017 Year In Review reports the most popular searches by each state in the USA.
The top gaining searches of 2017 by state are based on their proportional increase in popularity compared to the previous year. ‘Cheerleader’ gained the most searches down south, however, the cooler states were feeling just as cheery this year (Wisconsin, Michigan, New York etc). The search for ‘Giantess’ aka a female giant was the biggest increase for Vermont and New Hampshire.
More West Virginian’s took up ‘smoking’ (searches) in 2017, and North Dakota showed more interest in ‘squirting’. Many parts of the U.S. followed the worldwide trend and discovered ‘hentai’ in 2017. In Alaska — the only state where ‘hentai’ actually ranks #1 — searches increased in 2017 for ‘sfm’, short for Source Filmmaker, a popular 3D modelling tool used to generate hentai porn videos. Read the rest at Pornhub.
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