Percentage Of Brands On Snapchat By Industry [TABLE]

Table: Percentage Of Brands On Snapchat By Industry

Snapchat has become a must for many brands—especially those aiming to reach young consumers, who are the bulk of Snapchat’s audience. New research found that Snapchat adoption among brands increased throughout 2016, but many of these branded accounts were quickly abandoned.

According to L2, the percentage of brands that have a Snapchat account increased across all verticals between January and September 2016. Approximately 90% of active wear brands and 78% of beauty and fashion brands had a Snapchat account as of September 2016, while about two-thirds of retail and watches and jewelry brands had an account.

Growing adoption shows that brands have been sold on Snapchat’s value, but L2 found that many of these branded Snapchat accounts lay dormant once they’re opened. The study pointed out that “…many brands have struggled to produce content for the platform. Inactivity persisted throughout 2016—only 70% of accounts were active (posted within the past month) in January 2016, and only 67% were active in October 2016.” Read the rest at eMarketer.

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