Attitudes Toward Gender Stereotypes In TV Commercials [CHART]

Chart: Attitudes Toward Gender Stereotypes In TV Ads

Despite some progress, TV isn’t doing a good enough job of promoting inclusiveness and gender equality, according new studies from Havas Group and Univision. Almost half of women from various countries around the world agree that TV ads show too many outdated gender stereotypes, per Havas’ report.

A similar proportion (49%) likewise resent the way women are depicted in a lot of advertising.

Men hold similar attitudes, though not quite as strongly, according to the survey of 12,168 adults across 32 markets. Some 44% feel that TV ads are outdated in their use of gender stereotypes, and close to 4 in 10 resent the way that women are depicted in a lot of advertising.

This is not strictly a female issue, as almost one-third (31%) of both men and women surveyed also resent the way men are depicted in a lot of advertising.

Still, attitudes seem to affect women more when it comes to “voyeuristic” advertising: 38% of men agreed that they enjoy watching advertising that shows semi-naked women, compared to just 17% of women who enjoy watching ads with scantily-clad men. Read the rest at

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