Consumer Attitudes Toward Facial Recognition By Demographic [TABLE]

Chart: Consumer Attitudes Toward Facial Recognition By Demographic

There’s no denying that smartphones with biometrics will soon be the norm. But consumers are somewhat split when it comes to mobile devices with facial recognition capability, data from Morning Consult reveals.

Its survey of US internet users in September 2017 showed that 34% of respondents had a favorable view of facial recognition software in personal devices. In contrast, 39% of those polled felt the opposite way. And over a quarter (26%) said they either weren’t sure how they felt, or had no opinion about it.

Women were more likely than men to feel at least somewhat unfavorably toward this type of technology. For example, while 30% of women surveyed had at least a somewhat favorable view of facial recognition software, 41% expressed the opposite sentiment. Men, on the other hand, were nearly split in their attitudes. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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