Email List Segmentation Metrics [CHART]

Chart: Email List Segmentation Metrics

Email marketers have long looked at segmentation as a leading way to increase email response rates and have made it one of their top email priorities. MailChimp dove into its customer data to provide stats demonstrating that segmentation does actually work.

The ESP looked at users leveraging its list segmentation tools, sampling around 2,000 who sent roughly 11,000 segmented campaigns to almost 9 million recipients. The results of those campaigns were then compared to the results of those same customers’ non-segmented campaigns.

Here’s what they found for the segmented campaigns:

  • Opens: 14.3% higher than non-segmented;
  • Unique Opens: 10.7% higher than non-segmented;
  • Clicks: 101% higher than non-segmented;
  • Bounces: 4.7% lower than non-segmented;
  • Abuse Reports: 3.9% lower than non-segmented;
  • Unsubscribes: 9.4% lower than non-segmented.

Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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