Engineers' Information Sources During Buying Cycle [CHART]

Chart: Engineers' Information Sources During the Buying Cycle

Technical professionals most commonly turn to general search engines, supplier websites and online catalogs when searching for products and services to specify, recommend or purchase, per results from an IEEE GlobalSpec Media Solutions study [PDF]. But the popularity of these sources differs according to the stage of the buy cycle, the report found.

The results indicates that popular content marketing types are used primarily for research and needs analyses and are far less commonly relied on during other stages.

These top-of-the-funnel content types include webinars, white papers, blogs, email newsletters and social media.

With respect to social media, some 37% of respondents indicated that they don’t perform any work-related activities on social.

The most common professional activities conducted on social media include reading work-related content (36%), searching for contacts (33%) and researching suppliers (32%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
