Video Advertising Spending [CHART]

Chart: Video Ad Spending

US marketers anticipate spending more than $9 million on their brand’s digital and mobile video advertising this year—a 67% increase from 2015, data reveals.

The study, conducted by Advertiser Perceptions for the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), polled 358 US agency and marketing professionals from a variety of industries. They were asked how much they spent on digital and mobile video on average in 2015 and 2016—and how much they anticipate spending in 2017. All respondents were involved in digital video advertising decision-making, had over $1 million in total annual ad spending in 2016 and had at least a modest understanding of the Digital Content NewFronts.

Overall, their spending on digital and mobile video advertising increased year over year. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
