SMBs' Use Of Social Media By Platform [CHART]

Chart: SMB Use Social Media Platforms

The use of social media marketing by small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the US continues to grow, according to new data released by BIA/Kelsey. In its latest survey of 1,000 SMBs, more than three-quarters (77.6%) reported using social media to promote their businesses, up from 73.2% last year.

Facebook continues to be the leading platform by a wide margin, with almost half (45%) of SMBs surveyed saying they have a Facebook Page. In a nod to Facebook’s fast-growing advertising revenues (more than 3 million active advertisers as of Q1), the survey found slightly more SMBs using Facebook ads (25%) than maintaining a presence on LinkedIn (24.2%) and Twitter (23.9%).

Those results bring to mind recent data from The Temkin Group, in which consumers said they were more likely to visit company pages on Facebook on a daily basis than to read or update their own accounts on other social platforms. Read the rest at

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