Top B2B Buyer Persona Criteria

Chart: B2B Buyer Persona Criteria

Almost two-thirds of B2B marketers at enterprise-level organizations (at least $250 million in revenues) utilize buyer personas in the planning of demand generation programs and activities, and another 22% are in the planning stages. That’s according to the 2016 B2B Enterprise Demand Generation Survey from ANNUITAS, which details an increase in the use of buyer personas in demand generation programs. The analysts note that “organizations are becoming more buyer-centric in their approach to demand generation.”

When developing buyer personas, demand generation marketers are most likely to include job function (68.1%) and job title (65.5%). A majority (55.8%) also look at core buyer pain points, though far fewer (30.1%) are factoring in buying processes, which the report’s authors believe should be the focus of more attention. Read the rest at

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