Online Tactics That Drive Customer Acquisition vs Retention [TABLE]

Online Tactics That Drive Customer Acquisition vs Retention [TABLE]

Content and demand generation services provider WBR Digital and emarketing marketing automation service provider emarsys surveyed 254 retail professionals in the US at companies with annual revenues under $100 million.

According to the data, 81% and 80% of respondents, respectively, said email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention. Email’s usefulness was followed by that of other digital tactics like organic search at 62% for acquisition and social media at 44% for retention—both rated effective by far fewer respondents than chose email.

A solid reason why could be that more and more marketers are pushing more personalization toward their email campaigns, making them more tailored to customer needs. In a separate May 2016 study from Evergage and Researchscape, well over half of respondents across industries said they are personalizing email.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
