Credibility Of Company Spokespeople By Type [CHART]

Credibility Of Company Spokespeople By Type [CHART]

Trust in the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs has increased across the globe, reports Edelman in its latest annual Trust Barometer report. However, trust in these institutions lags among general population respondents, instead driven by the so-called “Informed Public” – college-educated 25-64-year-olds in the top income quartile who have significant media consumption and engagement in business news.

Edelman notes that this “trust inequality” has widened in recent years, reaching a 12-point gap this year when measuring average trust in the four institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. The trust gap has widened by 3 percentage points since 2012, with the disparity accelerating even more significantly (by 8% points) in the US. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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