Last Touch Channel Share Of Mobile Visits, 2013-2015 [TABLE]

Last Touch Channel Share Of Mobile Visits, 2013-2015 [TABLE]Search is king when it comes to last-touch channel share in Europe and North America, according to a report from Adobe Digital Index.

Over the past nearly three years, the last-touch channel share of desktop and laptop site visits in Europe coming from search has grown at a modest but steady rate, reaching 47.5% of total referral traffic in 2015. Direct traffic share, on the other hand, has been shrinking, albeit at a snail’s pace, and will amount to 29.2% this year. Most other referral shares have remained largely the same. And looking across the pond to North America, the story is familiar: Once again, search has grown a small amount, up to 44.5% of total referral traffic in 2015. Direct has seen a very minor uptick as well. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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