How Frequently People Search For Local Businesses Via Mobile, 2013 & 2015 [CHART]

How Frequently People Search For Local Businesses Via Mobile, 2013 & 2015 [CHART]

Local search has gone mobile, and recent research indicates that it’s critical for local businesses to have their mobile presence up to par. According to BrightLocal polling conducted in April 2015, nearly four in 10 US adult mobile device users had searched for local businesses via mobile at least monthly in the past year, compared with three in 10 two years prior. An additional 32% had searched a few times.

Further responses highlighted demand for mobile-optimized sites. Browsers were the preferred platform used to search for local businesses via mobile, favored by 50% of respondents—up from 44% in 2013. Meanwhile, maps had fallen in popularity, from 45% to 40%, and apps remained the least popular, with just 10% share.

Fully 38% of mobile users said they were impressed when they found a local business with a website designed for mobile, vs. 25% who said the same in 2013, and one-third said all local businesses should have websites designed for mobile (up from 25% two years prior). Further, just 17% did not expect a local business to have a mobile-designed website—down from 53% in 2013. Respondents also appeared more willing to take the next step if they liked what they saw when searching, as over six in 10 were more likely to contact a local business if it had a mobile-optimized site, up from 38% in 2013. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
