Top Audience Targeting Types For Branding, May 2015 [CHART]

Top Audience Targeting Types For Branding, May 2015 [CHART]

Psychographics (such as interests and lifestyle) and demographics are the most important types of audience targeting for digital branding campaigns, and that holds true for most company sizes, finds a global survey of 300 executives from Forbes Insights and Quantcast. Following psychographics (75%) and demographics (71%) was purchase data (66%), with social (55%) and search (47%) data also important to roughly half of respondents.

There were a couple of interesting discrepancies when sorting by company revenue, though. Among the largest companies (those with $10 billion or more in annual revenue), demographics (75%) were the clear favorite, followed by social data (56%), which was otherwise one of the lower-ranked of the five options among other company sizes (all of which had at least $500 million in annual revenues). Additionally, executives from the largest enterprises were less likely than average to cite psychographics (54% vs. 75%) and purchase data (48% vs. 66%) as being important audience targeting types. (It should be noted that these respondents comprised a relatively small share (18%) of the total survey sample, totaling 55.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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