Millennials' Top Shopping-Related Activities By Device [TABLE]

Millennials' Top Shopping-Related Activities By Device, September 2014 [TABLE]

In a September 2014 Annalect survey of US smartphone users ages 19 to 33, 40% said they use their smartphones “to make an actual purchase,” vs. 65% doing so via computer.

When millennials use their smartphones for shopping, they are often pursuing a bargain. Annalect found two-thirds of US millennial digital shoppers used smartphones to compare/check prices, and nearly as many to seek coupons and discounts.

Asked about showrooming by millennials, Erin Bilezikjian-Johnson, Annalect’s group director for primary research and insights, responded, “I think it plays a key role in how they’re purchasing right now.” She cited Annalect research that found 82% of millennials used a mobile device while in-store. Though showrooming has caught on among older consumers as well, it may have special urgency for cash-strapped millennials. Joline McGoldrick, research director at Millward Brown Digital, characterized showrooming as “huge” among millennials, who often are in the position of “wanting that great thing and not necessarily being able to afford that” unless they get the best possible price. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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