Interest In Activities You Can Do Using Mobile Wallets, March 2015 [CHART]

Interest In Activities You Can Do Using Mobile Wallets, March 2015 [CHART]

Among online shoppers, roughly 4 in 10 smartphone users say they currently use or would consider using their smartphone to find or redeem coupons, according to the latest annual Pulse of the Shopper study from UPS and comScore. Other mobile wallet activities currently used or in consideration by this group include online bill pay (34%), loyalty cards (30%) and scanning QR or barcodes to check availability, order item or get product information (29%). Overall, while 41% of smartphone owners surveyed had made a purchase using their device during the 3 months prior to the survey, online shoppers’ preferred channels for purchasing products continue to overwhelmingly favor desktops/laptops and physical stores. Source: UPS / comScore [PDF]

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