Terms That Best Describe Native Advertising, Q4 2014 [CHART]

Terms That Best Describe Native Advertising, Q4 2014 [CHART]

There’s been debate over how native advertisers can avoid misleading consumers, who may get confused over whether something is sponsored or editorial content, and two-thirds of ANA respondents agreed that native advertising needed clear disclosure, while just 13% disagreed.

But what terms can advertisers include to help readers distinguish native ads from content? Unsurprisingly, respondents said that including “advertisement” and “ad” were the best to describe disclosure. However, several phrases that included the words “sponsored” or “paid” also worked well.

In a study conducted in late 2014 by The 614 Group and AdMonsters, 88.7% of US digital advertising, marketing and media executives said native advertising would be “somewhat” or “very” pervasive in 2015. In order to stand out in an increasingly competitive environment, understanding how to maximize native advertising efforts is critical. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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