Consumers' Top Benefits Of Newspaper Inserts, May 2014 [CHART]

Consumers' Top Benefits Of Newspaper Inserts, May 2014 [CHART]

Good news for print newspapers: They’re the most preferred method for getting ad inserts and fliers. According to a May 2014 study by Frank N. Magid Associates for the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), 39% of US adult internet users favored newspapers for receiving ad inserts and fliers, compared with just 21% who preferred the web and 27% who wanted them sent via mail.

[Tweet “39% of Americans favored newspapers for receiving ad inserts/fliers; 21% who preferred the web.”]

Why the big interest in newspaper inserts? US adult consumers who had used newspaper inserts cited deal-related benefits. Fully 70% said they checked the inserts to find out about sales and savings, while 62% said the fliers saved them time and money—and 56% had clipped coupons from a newspaper insert in the 30 days prior to polling. Interestingly, a majority of respondents enjoyed looking through newspaper inserts just because, with 57% browsing even when not in the market for an item and 56% doing so simply because it was a part of their routine. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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