Global Management Execs' Plans For Improving Partnerships, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Global Management Execs' Plans For Improving Partnerships, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Strategic alliances are more critical than ever before, according to research released in September 2014 by the CMO Council and BPI Network. The report noted that such partnerships help companies expand their reach globally, generate revenues and target new customers, and because of this, 56% of senior marketing executives worldwide called out such efforts as extremely important to their businesses. An additional 29% of respondents said strategic alliances were important, while 15% said they were growing in importance. Read the rest at eMarketer.
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Execs voiced several plans for improving their networking, partnership and sourcing of growth opportunities in order to see more success. Developing a strategy and targeted approach was the most critical by a long shot, cited by 60%. Meanwhile, over one-third planned to improve their business partnering function, while around three in 10 intended to leverage networks more through online channels and industry events.

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