Most Effective & Difficult Online Marketing Tactics, September 2014 [CHART]

Most Effective & Difficult Online Marketing Tactics, September 2014 [CHART]

The accolades keep coming in for email marketing. At various times this year, surveys have found both US and global marketers rating it the most effective digital marketing tactic and the one that delivers the best ROI. Now, a new survey report from Ascend2 and its Research Partners finds email again rated the most effective type of digital marketing – and the least difficult to execute.

It may well be that email’s effectiveness is related to its perceive ease  – although the extent to which email marketing is “easy” depends very much on the sophistication of the strategy. Even so, the report finds less enthusiasm for the effectiveness of paid search, despite its being lower on the totem pole of difficulty. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
