Purchase Intent Of Online Video Ads Viewers, July 2014 [CHART]

Purchase Intent Of Online Video Ads Viewers, July 2014 [CHART]

Digital video advertisers that want to grab viewers’ attention, take note: The device on which a consumer views video ads matters far more than mood or location—or even the content genre. According to July 2014 research by YuMe and IPG Media Lab, smartphones have the biggest influence on attention, followed by tablets and then PCs.

Purchase intent benefitted from high video attention on mobile devices. Among US internet users who viewed pre-roll video ads on a smartphone—a group that’s often on the go—64% of those who were highly attentive planned to purchase the product advertised. In comparison, just 23% of smartphone viewers who paid little attention intended to buy. Interestingly, while there was a correlation between attention and purchase intent on tablets as well, 37% of those who viewed pre-roll ads on tablets with low attention still planned to buy the product advertised—more than the low-attention audiences for PCs and smartphones. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
