Perceived Benefits Of Ordering From Restaurants Online, February 2014 [TABLE]

Perceived Benefits Of Ordering From Restaurants Online, February 2014 [TABLE]

Other studies have shown similar results. In an April 2014 survey of AYTM Market Research’s online survey panel, 32% of respondents said they “regularly” ordered food online, but just 4% said they did so regularly via mobile apps.

Similarly, in a February 2014 survey of US internet
users by ad agency Sullivan Higdon & Sink, just over one-quarter (26%) had ordered online from a restaurant in the past year, with parents (37%) and millennials (35%) the age groups among whom online ordering was most common. Looking ahead, 45% of respondents said they planned to order food online in the next year, and regardless of actual usage, 58% found the idea of ordering food online appealing. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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