Online Video Ad View Share By Content Length & Device, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Online Video Ad View Share By Content Length & Device, Q2 2014 [CHART]

Several trends in the video advertising industry indicate that digital video long-form viewing is increasingly mirroring the TV experience, per FreeWheel’s Q2 Video Monetization report. From the growth in long-form content viewing to the length of mid-roll ad breaks, the typical duration of ads, and the verticals that are advertising, the report’s authors push the point that for viewers “TV is TV, regardless of the screen.”

It’s an important point with implications for the future of TV, as discussed in MarketingCharts’ new Debrief on the TV industry. The report indicates that consumers are becoming increasingly device- and source-agnostic for their video entertainment, as the lines blur between digital and traditional TV. Even so, in placing the current state of TV in the context of this evolution, the Debrief delves into traditional TV viewing trends to show that consumption remains strong and that legacy TV – for the time being – continues to hold the keys to quality content. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
